I heard from my colleague about asha kiran ayurvedic clinic near bangalore run by a person named gangaiah. He is supposed to treat ortho related issues by non conventional methods such as using "coins". The way he works is that he keeps the coin, say on your back, then puts his ear on the back and listens (not sure what he infers from that) and then twists few muscles/hand/neck/whatever is required. I head good feedback about the person and that he was successfully treated people (this info is first hand)
I went there on one of the weekends. On of the issues is that it is now run by the son of Mr Gangaiah and not the original person who was famous and supposed to have treated lot of people. It is said that they had differences and for sometime they were running separately. But offlate, Sr Gangaiah is not treating people as he is supposed to be very old (I havent seen him, and when I enquired about him around the area, there were differing accounts, some saying he is not here, some saying that he is very old, stays upstairs and has stopped and one of the truck repair persons nearby has even suggested that he is no more!).
My experience with the who episode was mixed and I am not sure if the son has the same talent as his father. The whole way in which it was conducted was not very clean/nor looked like a sincere effort. I went there with some upper back and hand pain (which was also diagonised as TOS). There is a person at the entrance who jots down the list of people wanting to get cured. He himself passes a judgement on what the issues is (in my case he claimed it was spondilitis). Then once your turn comes (I got it in around half an hour on saturday morning) you go inside. Then there is one helper who asks you to lie down, asks for the issue (I am not even sure if he has heard me completely), then puts some liquid on your back. Then one person (who is supposed to be the son of Gangaiah, in his mid twenties) came, asked very quickly what the issue is and then put a coin, put his hear on my back and heard for around a minute, then twisted my head a bit on both sides. Then quickly the helper put some plaster over my back + shoulder (with 2-3 coins inside !!). I was asked to leave it like this for around 6 days. And they gave me some oil to be applied on my hands.
The helper took a fee of 360/-, kept some money in his pocket and not sure about the rest. Then the attendant who was taking down the names asked for some money (tip) which I gave and the who trip ended.
I am not sure if this is going to be helpful or not, but I heard good feedback from few people on the treatment given by senior Gangaiah.
Just in case, somebody wants to give it a try, here are the details
I went there on one of the weekends. On of the issues is that it is now run by the son of Mr Gangaiah and not the original person who was famous and supposed to have treated lot of people. It is said that they had differences and for sometime they were running separately. But offlate, Sr Gangaiah is not treating people as he is supposed to be very old (I havent seen him, and when I enquired about him around the area, there were differing accounts, some saying he is not here, some saying that he is very old, stays upstairs and has stopped and one of the truck repair persons nearby has even suggested that he is no more!).
My experience with the who episode was mixed and I am not sure if the son has the same talent as his father. The whole way in which it was conducted was not very clean/nor looked like a sincere effort. I went there with some upper back and hand pain (which was also diagonised as TOS). There is a person at the entrance who jots down the list of people wanting to get cured. He himself passes a judgement on what the issues is (in my case he claimed it was spondilitis). Then once your turn comes (I got it in around half an hour on saturday morning) you go inside. Then there is one helper who asks you to lie down, asks for the issue (I am not even sure if he has heard me completely), then puts some liquid on your back. Then one person (who is supposed to be the son of Gangaiah, in his mid twenties) came, asked very quickly what the issue is and then put a coin, put his hear on my back and heard for around a minute, then twisted my head a bit on both sides. Then quickly the helper put some plaster over my back + shoulder (with 2-3 coins inside !!). I was asked to leave it like this for around 6 days. And they gave me some oil to be applied on my hands.
The helper took a fee of 360/-, kept some money in his pocket and not sure about the rest. Then the attendant who was taking down the names asked for some money (tip) which I gave and the who trip ended.
I am not sure if this is going to be helpful or not, but I heard good feedback from few people on the treatment given by senior Gangaiah.
Just in case, somebody wants to give it a try, here are the details
Asha Kiran Ayurvedic clinic
Yentaganahalli, Neelamangala Taluk
Pin# 562123.
There was some phone number but it didnt work for me.
Asha Kiran Ayurvedic clinic
Yentaganahalli, Neelamangala Taluk
Pin# 562123.
There was some phone number but it didnt work for me.
On the Peenya main road, go towards neelamangla (around 15 kms?) and then there is a neelmangla bypass road (after the NICE outer ring road) where one has to take a left turn. On that road, the clinic is around a km away on the right side.
Just now, I was one more related post (though a bit old)
Update (8th Dec 2009)
It has been few months since I went here. I dont see any difference whatsoever with the so called treatment. It looks like the son doesnt have the same talents as his father. So, it is better not to waste time in going here.